The Problem with Science

People think, divert their mental power towards many tasks. Though one’s subconscious mind processes are primarily focused on the thought of survival and the other primitive but needless tasks. Our conscious mind, on the other hand, is not in focus on needs and is not active at all times. Due to the fact that high amounts of energy are needed to process thoughts in the conscious mind because it analyses much by using much more data....

26 November, 2018


You show me the way, but believe would I not. You say you care for me, but for that, I say not. You say you hold me, but when in need you be there not. You say you trust me, but in it, I trust you not. You say you look upon us, but I see you not. You say you sacrifice for us, but it affects us not. Truth is what you say you give, but truth indeed is what you dearly nought....

25 November, 2018

Where they buried the soul of Japan

Asano Naganori was a man who truly apprehended the code of being a samurai and was always hot-tempered towards those who broke the law. After such an incident of betrayal by a high-ranked court official named Kira. Asano’s response ended in the government forcing him to commit seppuku (suicide), as he apparently assaulted Kira on official grounds after being harassed. However, this incident made 47 of some 300 Samurai (who became Ronin) under him hold a gruesome grudge against the court official....

14 November, 2018

Sparking the Fire

The system deceased The people deserted to survive is to conquer The tribute of trust Love and honour The horizon stretching till eternity The wonders fading by day and night To ponder the untouchable grace shining…..far. Yet! Touched only by thy fruitful dream. The sacred crimson flows, still Through the break and strike of day. Tis the agony faced so forth Till the bewildered go wild The affluent beware, the riches foreseen...

12 May, 2018


Since time was tender before man became the ruler Came the carrier of existence From grain to dew Brown to blue The womb of life Evolved till perfection the wonder of all who yonder Admired by all who ponder The harmonic roar of the ocean the bright azure of the frozen The arctic breeze of the eve Yet! Too exquisite to comprehend The mother of all Deliberately disrupted by man...

6 May, 2018

Circle of Life

Life is an exam, for which everyone participates. In this exam of life, the syllabus is undefined, questions vast and unknown and answers, abstract. We write this exam and exit without result. No one succeeds, no one fails. But everyone competes; We compete in, “The Circle Of Life”. A circle with no beginning nor end to it. A circle which ends at the starting point and begins at the end. Similarly, life begins and ends at the same point in the same locus....

4 March, 2018